
Made by Talarian

Talarian is an independent software company that makes simple add-ons for Google Workspace.

It is mostly known for the following products:

In total, these products have more than 50 million installs, and an average rating of 4.7/5 across 25k of reviews.

Talarian is a remote-first company, with around 40 employees spread out around the globe.

Talarian is ISO 27001 certified.

About Yet Another Mail Merge (YAMM)

Yet Another Mail Merge (YAMM) is the most popular mail merge for Gmail and Google Sheets, serving customers since 2014. It has been installed by over 10 million people.

YAMM users love its ease of use, speed of setup, real-time tracking and outstanding customer support. It is much simpler than complicated and expensive tools like Mailchimp for simple mass email outreach campaigns.

About yamm.com

yamm.com is a better domain name than our original domain yet-another-mail-merge.com 🙂

At some point YAMM will become more than a mail merge tool, and the name YAMM - which is short and sweet - will take over from Yet Another Mail Merge.

Email merge and marketing fundamentals

Email merge and marketing fundamentals, techniques and methods for every type of email (outreach, newsletter, discount, confirmation, etc.) in client, member, user and subscriber communication.